With Justice for All
Economic and Business Education and Training
For evil to triumph, it only needs good men to do nothing.”
Can the South African mindset be changed?
Our future depends on it.
WJFA is a brilliant program to change the mindset of your workers
There is a great deal of unrest and unhappiness in South Africa today.
People are unhappy about poor service delivery, wages that do not keep up with rising prices, increasing insecurity and a diminishing standard of living. They do not understand why unemployment is so high, why our economy is so sluggish and why poverty is always increasing. They look to the State for answers and find none.
The Free Market Foundation has developed an excellent program to educate people in:
how a company works,
how a company can stay in business,
why workers should look after and be dedicated to their companies,
where wages comes from,
the role of Trade Unions,
how an economy and a free enterprise system works,
where inflation comes from
and how prices of everyday products and services are determined
The program is called With Justice for All.
It consists of 8 one-hour videos explaining fundamental principles of business and economics.
The Reality Principle
Who determines Prices and Profits
How companies are formed
How companies stay in business
Profits, Wages and Trade Unions.
Productivity and Tools
Money and Inflation
Economics and Politics (optional).
It also comes with workbooks, train-the-trainer workshops and manuals and can be presented in-house by your own trained presenters.
The program is available in English, Afrikaans, Xhosa, Zulu and Sotho. The videos use cartoon like figures and are therefore not linked to any race and is non-sexist.
It does not offend and is not sensitive or judgmental. With Justice for All has been presented to an estimated 1.5 million workers with excellent success stories. This is a brilliant program to change the mindset of your workers. For a small investment, your company can make a HUGE difference.
For more information. please call Trevor Watkins (0834411721).